Poem: Song For A Silent Creature ©

                             Song For A Silent Creature ©

                              By Devon “Doc” Wendell


She’s a dark hour conductor of graceful beauty and blooming electricity with eyes of seductive sorrow and a voice to call upon the ages.

She’s a bashful lion tamer of wrath and the heaven’s tired and watchful creatures with a silence to embalm the solitude and a hand to turn the pages.

She’s a sudden morning of gleeful dances and childhood magic with the laughter of a restful kingdom and hair that shrouds the relentless surrender.

Shes’ a walking keeper of the secret seasons of decadent longing and bursting strings with a kiss of endless mercy and a final harvest moon in December.



Author: Doc Wendell

It's me, Devon "Doc" Wendell. I'm an acclaimed music journalist, musician, poet, and conductor of semi-harmless mayhem. Being a jazz writer under 70 leaves me with little competition and my twisted yet accurate perspective on life gives me an edge that barely exists at all anymore. That's all. Enjoy the site. ~Devon "Doc" Wendell

4 thoughts on “Poem: Song For A Silent Creature ©”

    1. No, I wrote the first line when I was 13 years old and then came back to it in 2002 after some inspiring forces came into play. I could have made it longer but I like it as this sweet little lullaby. I wish people still spoke like this to each other but I’ll deal with that in therapy.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. No, I wrote the first line when I was 13 years old and then came back to it in 2002 after some inspiring forces came into play. i could have made it longer but I like it as this sweet little lullaby. I wish people still spoke like this to each other but I’ll deal with that in therapy.


    3. The same inspiring force behind “Vanishing Angel” influenced me to finish it and I’m happy to have found it among my many poems and songs written over the last 20 years. It didn’t get turned into a hillibilly song either..


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